Texas A&M Aggies – Johnny Manziel Shouldn’t Change a Thing

Texas A&M Aggies – Johnny Manziel Shouldn’t Change a Thing

Johnny Manziel

If pointing at the scoreboard while you’re winning is wrong, than something is very wrong with College Football and even sports. Johnny Manziel might not be the most mature quarterback to star in the NCAA, but taunting opponents and doing a something that makes him look less of a robot doesn’t make him an idiot, immature or give Texas A&M any reason to further suspend him.

Manziel had a few incidents during the 52-31 win, which he threw three touchdowns in after coming in to play in the second half, that helped feed the flames of trying to find something, anything, that he does wrong that doesn’t have anything to do with football.

After throwing his third touchdown of the day, he got into some sort of jawing moment with a couple of Rice players. He then pointed to the scoreboard, which the officials caught, and hit him with an unsportsmanlike penalty. Sumlin took him off the field right after that.

Earlier in the game, Manziel made money gestures with his hand. Like he doesn’t care about all of talk about him and those signed autographs. He was also tackled by Rice linebacker Nick Elder, with Manziel reacting by miming signing an autograph, the thing that got him in trouble in the first place.

However, Edler later tweeted that all of his “trash talk” with Manziel was blown way out of proportions.

Manziel finished the game on the bench, like he started it. He threw for three touchdown passes and 94 yards, completing 6-of-8. He also ran for 19 yards on 6 carries. A&M needed him to pick up their pace of the offense in order to create some separation from the Owls, who kept the game surprisingly close.

While it seems everyone wants Sumlin to go harder on Manziel, he has bigger problems. Even if Manziel isn’t the perfect model people want to see from the Heisman trophy winner, all he’s doing is acting a little smug on the football field. He’s making things interesting, even if it does pull a lot of hate towards him. Sports aren’t just about scoring touchdowns and then walking away humbly. Characters like Manziel, regardless of his chances to succeed in the NFL, make things more interesting. As long as they don’t hurt anyone, it seems silly focusing so much energy on criticizing them for actually acting their age.

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