49ers vs Seahawks – Richard Sherman Won’t Let Jim Harbaugh Lose Quietly

49ers vs Seahawks – Richard Sherman Won’t Let Jim Harbaugh Lose Quietly

Richard Sherman

One of the most important part of any rivalry is the trash talking and the big mouthed individuals on both sides. For the Seattle Seahawks, it’s cornerback Richard Sherman, and for the San Francisco 49ers, the losers in the recent meeting between the NFC West teams, it’s non other than head coach Jim Harbaugh.

But after losing 29-3, the second consecutive 20+ loss by the 49ers on their visit to Seattle, there wasn’t much Harbaugh could say without looking bad. It was bad enough his fits on the sidelines didn’t seem to be helping out his team at all; whining about calls and officials when your team is playing poorly, when the calls you make are terrible could only make things seem worse.

But Harbaugh isn’t known as someone who takes defeats (or wins) lightly, so it wasn’t too surprising that he wasn’t the perfect model of sportsmanship at the end of the game. He takes pride and the 49ers’ rivalry with the Seahawks very seriously, so it wasn’t very surprising when Richard Sherman spoke out after the game, referring to Harbaugh ignoring him.

I told him good job, good game, but he didn’t give me nothing back.Β I guess sportsmanship doesn’t go both ways.Β Sherman patted his former coach (Stanford) on the back, but Harbaugh made no indication that intended to give any recognition to Sherman, who is known to gloat in the face of opponents after wins against teams he feels especially good in beating.

I didn’t realize it was him until he was moving in the other direction.Β He came up and patted me on the back, and I congratulated him, and same with Doug Baldwin. I congratulate the Seahawks. They played a hell of a game.

A war of versions? It didn’t seem on camera like Harbaugh actually said anything, but who knows. Him and Sherman don’t have any special relationship despite their time in college together. Maybe it’s an initial disliking, or maybe it’s simply the fact that their on rival teams, not to mention Sherman playing for Pete Carroll now.

I’m fine. I’m in Seattle. He’s in San Francisco. He has a great team. It’s fine. I told him good game after the game last night. It is what it is.

Image: Source

10 responses to “49ers vs Seahawks – Richard Sherman Won’t Let Jim Harbaugh Lose Quietly”

  1. […] 49ers vs Seahawks – Richard Sherman Won't Let Jim Harbaugh Lose QuietlySportigeOne of the most important part of any rivalry is the trash talking and the big mouthed individuals on both sides. For the Seattle Seahawks, it's cornerback Richard Sherman, and for the San Francisco 49ers, the losers in the recent meeting between the NFC …Seattle too much for 49ersSan Francisco ChronicleKawakami: 49ers lose their edgeSan Jose Mercury NewsRichard Sherman: Jim Harbaugh didn't respond to meNFL.comSportingNews.com -The Stanford Daily -ESPN.co.ukall 987 news articles […]

  2. […] 49ers vs Seahawks – Richard Sherman Won't Let Jim Harbaugh Lose QuietlySportigeOne of the most important part of any rivalry is the trash talking and the big mouthed individuals on both sides. For the Seattle Seahawks, it's cornerback Richard Sherman, and for the San Francisco 49ers, the losers in the recent meeting between the NFC …Seattle too much for 49ersSan Francisco ChronicleKawakami: 49ers lose their edgeSan Jose Mercury NewsRichard Sherman: Jim Harbaugh didn't respond to meNFL.comSportingNews.com -The Stanford Daily -ESPN.co.ukall 987 news articles […]

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