Manchester United Transfer Rumors – Anderson is Leaving

Manchester United Transfer Rumors – Anderson is Leaving


Considering how disappointing Anderson Luís de Abreu Oliveira has been for Manchester United during most of his 7-year term at Old Trafford, it’s surprising it has taken the team so long to sell him or simply get rid of him. However, the new regime might finally find it in their heart to let loose of a player who hasn’t given them much over the years.

According to the Daily Star, not the most reliable of sources mind you, David Moyes has told Anderson that he is free to leave the team in January, and it’s not likely that price will be something Manchester United will haggle over.

The 25-year old has appeared four times for the team this season, never really showing that he’s suddenly turning over a new leaf and becoming the answer to Manchester United’s need in the midfield. He’s becoming a free player in 2015, so January might be the last opportunity to make any kind of money off of him, although it’s highly unlikely anyone is going to pay the full price for him, with United valuing him at £7 million.

Anderson was considered one of the top teenage talents in the world when Manchester United signed him from Porto in 2007 alongside Nani. He cost them £20 million, but it seems he has only regressed and regressed since making his debut at the age of 19. Injuries, weight problems and attitude issues haven’t really made it easy for Alex Ferguson, but it seems that once in a while he showed the right combination of speed and vision in the midfield to spark interest and grant himself another chance with the team.

Potential buyers? There should be enough interest in the player, who has appeared 175 times for the club, scoring 9 goals, and making 8 appearances for the Brazilian national team on the way, including in their victorious run during the 2007 Copa America.

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