Catchiest Soccer Fan Chant Ever???

Aris Fans

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On my nightly browsing around the web and especially youtube, I came across this video of Aris Thessaloniki soccer fans (who have already been featured once on our site), and a song called Aris Kai Den Eimai Kala, and the song’s meaning, as a whole, is something around got no wife, no job, no home, But I’m crazy for Aris. Enchanting. Can’t get this song out of my head for a few days now. Actually, maybe the reason it hasn’t got out of my head is due to the fact it’s very similar to Offspring’s song “Why Don’t you get a job?” (Thanx D. for mentioning that). Anyway, whoever listens through the entire four minute clip which is highly addictive (warning!!), hope you enjoy but don’t get hooked like I am.

P.S. – Any Aris fans who have more information about the song , it’s origin or whatever, don’t hesitate to comment or mail us, I’d love more info to post on.

6 responses to “Catchiest Soccer Fan Chant Ever???”

  1. θεε μου για σενα τον τρελογιατρο τον επισκεπτομαι συχνα,δεν εχω σπιτι δεν εχω δουλεια δεν εχω γκομενα δεν εχω λεφτα..ΑΡΗ ολε ολε ολε ολε ΑΡΗΣ και δεν ειμαι καλα ΑΡΗ ολε ολε ολε ολε ΑΡΗΣ και ζημια στα μυαλα..ταξιδευω για σενα σε ολη τη γη.οπου και να πας θα ‘μαι εκει..μονο για σενα λεω ολε ολε δεν θα σε αφησω ποτε….

    And the chant in english:

    god(meaning ARIS) because of you i visit the psychiatrist often, i don’t have a home, i don’t have a job, i don’t have a girlfriend, i don’t have any money…..ARI ole ole ole ole ARIS and i’m not OK! ARI ole ole ole ole ARIS and brain damage…I’m travelling for you around the wolrd wherever you may go i’ll be there.. i’m chanting ole ole ole only for you…i will never leave you alone….

    (hope i translated it well my english isn’t very good :))

    There’s another video of aris fans from last year’s friendly match between ARIS and BOCA JUNIORS in Thessaloniki. Hope you enjoy it

    and another chant called ”gia sena ginome lioma” meaning ‘i get drunk for you’ in latin rhythm


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