Frank Caliendo as Morgan Freeman Reading the LeBron James Letter

Frank Caliendo as Morgan Freeman Reading the LeBron James Letter

Maybe this is just ESPN promoting Frank Caliendo harder than they should, but it doesn’t make his brilliant reading of the LeBron James letter in the voice of Morgan Freeman any less brilliant or funny.

Unlike Kevin Durant’s MVP speech, James didn’t get too much flack or memes made about him after his ‘return’ letter about his growing up, understanding and becoming ready to go back to Ohio and win with the Cleveland Cavaliers got published on SI.

As with everything Morgan Freeman says or does, it gives James’ letter a tone of vast importance and magnitude. Even awesomeness. Caliendo is truly one of the best impersonators around, and while he might not be most famous for his Freeman impression, it was spot on and quite flawless.

According to some people who tuned into this on the radio (Mike & Mike show) without hearing the proper introduction, they actually thought this was Morgan Freeman reading out the LeBron letter instead of a comedian doing a bit.

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