5 More Memes About Kobe Bryant Not Passing to Jeremy Lin & Los Angeles Lakers Teammates

5 More Memes About Kobe Bryant Not Passing to Jeremy Lin & Los Angeles Lakers Teammates

We’re still not any more knowledgeable about how good the Los Angeles Lakers will be next season, if at all. One main focus for everyone will be Kobe Bryant coming back from his injury and what it will all mean for Jeremy Lin on a new team or Julius Randle trying to make an impact as a rookie with plenty of expectations.

Jeremy Lin “escaped” a situation in which he had a shooting guard playing next to him that was taking away all the possessions and decisions from him. He was misused and underused. The Lakers seem like a chance for a fresh start that might last just one year, but it might also be a case of history repeating.

Julius Randle wasn’t exactly the man in Kentucky, but he was a central piece. It’s hard to see how he fits right now with how the Lakers are being built. Carlos Boozer is going to get a big role, and so will Jordan Hill, especially if Randle struggles early on defense. Like most players, Randle needs the ball in his hands to show his ability, and if the comparisons to Zach Randolph (the good things about him at least) are even remotely true.

And Bryant? He doesn’t care about killing the cap situation for his team. He has his sights set on a sixth championship ring. He won’t come close, but this season’s success and playoff chances rely on Bryant realizing he isn’t the player he used to be.

No one is getting the ball Harvard backpack Give it back Julius Randle realization The Backpack

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