Utah Jazz Make Everyone Feel Good by Signing JP Gibson

Utah Jazz Make Everyone Feel Good by Signing JP Gibson

JP Gibson

It’s NBA preseason kicking off, but not everything has to be about basketball. The Utah Jazz were about more than that when they signed 5-year old JP Gibson, diagnosed with lymphoblastic leukemia, on a one day contract so he can wear the jersey and play with the team on the annual preseason intrasquad scrimmage.

Megan Gibson, JP’s mother: JP loves most sports, but basketball is definitely his favorite. When he was just over a year old, he would sit with my husband, Josh, watching games. He started insisting on shooting hoops for an hour each night before bedtime when he was just 15 months old. He knows he has to be six before he can play Junior Jazz, and he reminds us all the time that he can’t wait until he’s six.

Gibson signed the contract with Jazz president Randy Rigby and was joined by his parents, Josh and Megan, and his 2-year old sister, Elsie. The Jazz and photographer Jon Diaz’s “Anything Can Be” project were the hosts of the event.

Anything Can Be takes the dreams of cancer patients and makes them a reality through the power of photography.


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