30 Best Memes of Peyton Manning & Denver Broncos Beating Colin Kaepernick & the San Francisco 49ers

30 Best Memes of Peyton Manning & Denver Broncos Beating Colin Kaepernick & the San Francisco 49ers

Manning more than others

It’s hard to decide what meme makers focused on more: Peyton Manning breaking the passing touchdowns record, or the Denver Broncos beating the San Francisco 49ers and Colin Kaepernick.

It was probably Manning who took the headlines, reaching 510 career touchdown passes, surpassing Brett Favre at 508, breaking yet another record, and not looking like someone who is slowing down any time soon.

Meanwhile, the 49ers find themselves with a 4-3 record in a division that’s developing a bit differently than most expected it to. Kaepernick wasn’t bad, but wasn’t great, or good enough. In short, the 49ers need more from him against the upper echelon of teams in the NFL.

Manning has just one Super Bowl ring which is something “haters” will always use against him. But there’s so much more than a good quarterback to a Super Bowl winning team. Manning is doing incredible things at 38 after neck surgeries. The numbers, at least in the regular season, are his. And the title of the best quarterback ever? That might be his also.

The Manning way Broncos fans logic 49ers fans be like Before and after Manning Never heard of Kaepernick Touchdown tastes good Kaepernick angry Reading a defense Kap Macklemore changing jerseys The walking dead Realization by 49ers fans Kaepernick on the sidelines Ali G is the QB 49ers defense Keep hearing Omaha The Denver PD Leave Denver Cool Cutler Manning texts Manning announcement Brett Favre is coming back Manning as a baby Aroused Manning bros records Taking away my friends The guy who caught the ball Here they come Cute Rodgers Who needs a running back

Images via NFL Memes

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