28 Best Memes of Brandon Weeden & the Dallas Cowboys Beaten by the Arizona Cardinals

28 Best Memes of Brandon Weeden & the Dallas Cowboys Beaten by the Arizona Cardinals

The quarterback change for the Dallas Cowboys didn’t help. Tony Romo is injured, Brandon Weeden is an interception machine, the Arizona Cardinals won and the memes are rejoicing because it’s possible to make fun of the most interesting team in the NFL.

The Cowboys were off to a good start against the Arizona Cardinals, but it didn’t last. Weeden threw his expected interceptions, and the Cardinals, playing with Palmer after going with backups due to injuries for a while, had no sympathy for a team playing with an injury or two.

The Cowboys aren’t in panic mode yet, but if Romo is indeed injured for a long time, and back injuries tend to be longer, it’s a problem. Maybe DeMarco Murray can run the ball a little more but eventually, it comes down to a quarterback making some plays, or at least not making mistakes.

Two weeks ago the Cowboys were the best team in the NFL, but that’s not the truth, and not with a 6-3 record. The Cardinals? They’re 7-1, with an excellent defense and an efficient enough offense to fill in the gaps. Super Bowl material? Too soon to tell, but it’s looking very good.

Not talking anymore Legally Blind Cowboys fans disappearing Better than Weeden We suck again Man Up Face of fans Move Cowboys haters waking up A real American Don't play like Romo USS Cowboys Teaching Weeden Throwing to the Cardinals Toilet store Punch Pathetic team The reason Tell me something How it feels right now Romo in training Why Weeden was signed 8-8 8-8 is going to happen A cowboys thing That's our team Jerry Jones Kermit The change

Images: Source

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