The San Ending to the Kosta Karageorge Story

The San Ending to the Kosta Karageorge Story

Kosta Karageorge

Sad endings are great in the world of fiction, not real life. Kosta Karageorge was found dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, ending the hopes of finding the Ohio State defensive lineman and Wrestling team member alive, gone missing since last week.

The 22-year old was identified by his tattoos. Both the body and the dumpster he was found in were taken for further examination at the county morgue. According to a police report, Karageorge’s mother told authorities he was suffering from concussions and spells, short and long, of confusion. He texted a message according to her on Wednesday citing the concussions and saying he’s sorry for being an embarrassment.

He was scheduled to be among the seniors recognized on Ohio State’s final home game of the season, playing against Michigan, a game which they won 42-28. He spent three seasons with the school’s wrestling team before walking on to the defensive line this summer to help out.

According to Tom Ryan, his wrestling coach, Karageorge had no documented concussions when he was on his wrestling team.

More on this tragic story will probably be coming out in the next few days, and we’ll learn more about the connection to his football and general athletic endeavors to what looks like a suicide.

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