27 Best Memes of Jay Cutler & the Chicago Bears Embarrassed by the New Orleans Saints

27 Best Memes of Jay Cutler & the Chicago Bears Embarrassed by the New Orleans Saints

For those who can’t have enough of NFL memes, Jay Cutler and the Chicago Bears in their 2014 version are the gift that keeps on giving as yet another elite quarterback comes to the Windy City to show the home fans what a true quarterback looks like.

In truth, there’s more to the Bears failure in 2014 (5-9 so far and with a chance of getting worse). The defense continues to crumble, Marc Trestman makes it seem like he’s simply waiting for the pink slip and not giving a f@#$ until that happens, but there’s also the Jay Cutler factor.

Cutler came back from injury last season to miss out on the playoffs. Maybe Josh McCown isn’t a better quarterback, but it’s been four years since the Bears last made the playoffs. Some years there were excuses, like Cutler getting injured. This season? There’s not a single branch to hang on to when trying to defend an overpaid, wrongly franchised quarterback.

With three more interceptions, Cutler is leading the NFL at 18 this season. His ratio of interceptions isn’t higher than last season: Still 3.4%, but the trend under Trestman should have been pulling him down, not making him worse than before, probably reaching the point of no return when it comes to repairing him, putting him back together again so his new contract isn’t a complete waste of money.

Better than Cutler Give it to Jay Hey Bears Wasted money Leave us alone Doesn't care Uncle Rico You're not going in New Bears jersey Bears in 2014 Trading Cutler Always sucks Still terrible Tried, failed A bears joke Fire everyone Cutler's receivers Bears bed set 2014 Bears defense The Bears Bears be hurtin Getting ready to lose They had receivers This isn't helping Still a QB Not a franchise qb Changing tapes

Images: Source

3 responses to “27 Best Memes of Jay Cutler & the Chicago Bears Embarrassed by the New Orleans Saints”

  1. […] Ich prognostiziere… das wird auch in diesem Jahr nichts. Ihr derzeit regulärer „Marino-nachfolger“ ist Ryan Tannehill. Letztes Jahr führte er das Team tatsächlich in die Playoffs, er verletzte sich aber vorher und so war schon im ersten Spiel wieder Schluss für die Dolphins. Es war erst die dritte Playoff-Teilnahme seit 2001. In dieser Saison hat sich Ryan Tannehill bereits vor Saisonstart das Kreuzband gerissen und so entschieden sich die Dolphins für einen Panik-kauf auf der wichtigsten Position des Teams. Sie verpflichteten den bereits in den Ruhestand emeritierten Jay Cutler. Der spielte zuvor in Chicago und wird bei den Bears-Fans ob seiner unfassbar hohen Fehlerquote wohl noch lange in Erinnerung bleiben. Die Bearsfans wären Cutler gerne schon viel früher los geworden und sein Ruhestand wird vereinzelt wahrscheinlich Jubelarien verursacht haben. Um mal einen kleinen Eindruck davon zu bekommen, wie schlecht Jay Cutler war, schaue man sich nur diese Seite an… http://sportige.com/best-memes-of-jay-cutler-the-chicago-bears-embarrassed-by-the-new-orleans-saints… […]

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