30 Best Memes About Tony Romo & the Dallas Cowboys Beating the Detroit Lions

30 Best Memes About Tony Romo & the Dallas Cowboys Beating the Detroit Lions

The Detroit Lions and their fans are still complaining about the right call made by the officials, while Tony Romo and the Dallas Cowboys are celebrating their playoff win, with plenty of memes on both sides of the fence as with every Cowboys game, but we preferred focusing on those not helping make it seem like the referees actually made a difference.

Because even if the Lions got slightly screwed on that specific call, the Cowboys had a lot of weird penalties called against them in the first half when they shouldn’t have been penalized, and overall, Stafford turning the ball over a few times, the defense eventually giving up big plays and the offense not doing anything past the first quarter had a lot more to do than one yellow flag being picked up.

And then there were the Dallas Cowboys, anxious about playing in the playoffs for the first time in five years. Tony Romo wasn’t protected as he’s used to so adjustments had to be made. Murray couldn’t run wild and free as on normal days. Dez Bryant was covered very well. But the Cowboys were good enough to find answers and solutions. Even their defense stepped up at some point.

Now it’s on to play another NFC North team, the Green Bay Packers. The Lions need to focus on what went wrong in how they executed things, like Jim Caldwell showing zero courage on a huge fourth down while with the lead. The Cowboys? They need to think how they keep this road game winning streak going.

We got robbed

Tony Romo truth

One flag

Suh question

None of my business meme

Romo business



Lions class


Adjusting the facemask

Let it go

Sad haters

Offseason workout

everyone is a Packers fan

ONe and Done


Ways of dealing

They hate us

The Lions Tamer

Crying Suh

Kicking a Lion

Name an excuse

Meet Karma

You mad

Tell me again

No Super Bowl


Crying fans

Lions controller

Images: Source

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