NBA Rumors – Sacramento Kings Interested in Signing Andrea Bargnani

NBA Rumors – Sacramento Kings Interested in Signing Andrea Bargnani

The Sacramento Kings aren’t staying idle and keep trying to add pieces in order to finally move this franchise upwards (not somewhere else, but getting better). Their latest candidate? Andrea Bargnani.

After drafting Willie Cauley-Stein, signing Marco Belinelli and about to complete the additions of Rajon Rondo, Kosta Koufos and Caron Butler, providing DeMarcus Cousins with a competent stretch ‘4’ is the next thing on the Kings to-do list.

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Bargnani isn’t going to rebound very well or do anything useful on defense, but the Kings probably aren’t going to need him to. Bargnani making about $12 million a season sounds like a bad idea, and it did look bad during his last two years in Toronto and his short time in New York with the Knicks. But Bargnani on something that isn’t over $3 million a season? Not such a bad idea.

Bargnani can score. Despite the ridicule, he averaged 13.9 points per game for the Knicks in two seasons, and won’t have to play center as much as he did in New York. He shot 36.6% from beyond the arc last season and 45.2% when it came to 2-point shots that are 16 feet or further. In certain lineups, as the Kings try to find ways of providing Cousins with shooting options to pass to, Bargnani can be very useful.

Playoff team? Hard to say. The West is loaded, but the Kings might finally be moving in the right direction and with a solid outlook and philosophy when it comes to their players. Right now George Karl seems to be staying put, and so is Cousins. If the rift between the two isn’t something that’s going to tear this team apart, the Kings might have a shot of finally showing their fans that they’re moving in the right direction, even if it still isn’t good enough to make the playoffs.

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