NBA Rumors – New York Knicks, Houston Rockets & Dallas Mavericks Interested in Signing Carlos Boozer

NBA Rumors – New York Knicks, Houston Rockets & Dallas Mavericks Interested in Signing Carlos Boozer

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One of the few noteworthy remaining free agents is Carlos Boozer, last playing for the Los Angeles Lakers, and currently gathering interest from the New York Knicks, Dallas Mavericks and Houston Rockets.

Boozer, a 13-year veteran in the NBA, began last season as a starter for the Lakers after getting picked up following the amnesty clause being triggered by the Chicago Bulls, which meant making $13.25 million off the Bulls and $3.25 million from the Lakers.

Once things started going south for the Lakers, the tanking began, and Boozer hit the bench. The last time before last season that Boozer started a game on the bench was in the 2005-2006 season. But he lost his spot with the Lakers, and ended up playing 71 overall games, coming as a sub in 45 of them. He averaged 11.8 points and 6.8 rebounds per game.

At 33 and quickly approaching 34, Boozer isn’t built for big-time minutes (averaged 23.8 last season), at least not on teams trying to win and make the playoffs. He was a double double machine for quite some time, but those days are gone. His declining upper body strength and more and more obvious holes on the defensive end make him less and less efficient and useful for too many minutes.

Still, Boozer can do some damage and good for anyone that picks him up to be a backup at both big-man positions, but right now it seems that despite being in the role of a veteran who isn’t going to get too many minutes, he’s looking for more than a veteran’s minimum, and it’s unlikely the teams currently interested will give him anything more than that.

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