16 Best Memes of the Kansas City Royals Winning, New York Mets Choking & Fox Messing Up

16 Best Memes of the Kansas City Royals Winning, New York Mets Choking & Fox Messing Up

The Fox Sports broadcast blacking out all of a sudden got more attention from the meme makers than the actual game 1 of the World Series between the Kansas City Royals and the New York Mets.

There was a game, a pretty good one, ending after 14 innings in favor of the Royals despite trailing for most of the game.

But the broadcast falling off the air and suddenly not having to listen to Joe Buck caused confusion among baseball fans: Should they be happy or not?

You had one job It's gone Fox viewing positions No Joe Buck, no Problem Still better than listening to Buck Just kidding Fox pulled the plug Technical difficulties Pete Rose looking No one is playing Meanwhile, at Kauffman Stadium Legal crasdh A girl did it Royals always come from behind A game that doesn't end Bartolo Colon

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