Ryan Fitzpatrick Making History With his Dominance Against the Jacksonville Jaguars

Ryan Fitzpatrick Making History With his Dominance Against the Jacksonville Jaguars

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No playoffs so far in Ryan Fitzpatrick’s 11-year career, but at least he has a nice little dominance thing going with the Jacksonville Jaguars, beating them with five different teams, the first quarterback in NFL history to do something like that.

Playing in the NFL since 2005, Fitzpatrick has played for six different teams: St. Louis Rams, Cincinnati Bengals, Buffalo Bills, Tennessee Titans, Houston Texans and now the New York Jets. He has played against the Jaguars eight times during his time in the league.

He has been on the losing side against them three times (twice with Buffalo, once with Tennessee), but has gotten to beat them in an impressive set of different uniforms: Once with the Bengals (2008), once with Buffalo (2012), once with the Titans (2013), once with the Texans (2014, missing the other divisional game) and now with the Jets, leading a team that might actually have a shot at making the postseason.

Hat Tip: NFL

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