Tag: Wayne Rooney

  • Robin van Persie With the Perfect Free Kick Winner (Manchester City vs Manchester United)

    Robin van Persie With the Perfect Free Kick Winner (Manchester City vs Manchester United)

    Joe Hart took one step too many to his left; Samir Nasri sent his leg forward just a tad too much. Robin van Persie was brought in the beginning of the season to put Manchester United back on top of the Premier League and over Manchester City. In the 90th minute, with a free kick goal against the flow of the final moments he did just that.

  • Manchester United – Wayne Rooney Can’t Make Subs Better

    Manchester United – Wayne Rooney Can’t Make Subs Better

    It was a strange approach from Alex Ferguson and Manchester United on their final group stage match of the Champions League this season, clinching qualification a month ago. Wayne Rooney gets to play, maybe to sharpen his finishing and passing before the big derby this weekend, while everyone around him, including Javier Hernandez, probably won’t be playing in the match of the season.

  • Manchester United – Wayne Rooney Shines in Tactical Mayhem

    Manchester United – Wayne Rooney Shines in Tactical Mayhem

    Tactics? What are tactics? Alex Ferguson continues to let his players go gung-ho in their attempts to erase all of their defensive mistakes. That is just fine with Robin van Persie and Wayne Rooney, thriving in the tactical mayhem that has become the breeding ground for these Manchester United comebacks.

  • Manchester United – Robin van Persie is All You Need

    Manchester United – Robin van Persie is All You Need

    Two schools of thought in football: One says that results are all that matter, and it doesn’t matter how you win. The other says that ability, good or bad, in the long range, will eventually catch up with you. It’s easy to understand that after another bad game, decided after only 33 seconds, Alex Ferugson is hoping the first school of thought determines the fate of Manchester United.

  • Manchester United – Don’t Need Robin van Persie Goals

    Manchester United – Don’t Need Robin van Persie Goals

    Another match of falling behind and making a feverish comeback, this time not even needing goals from Robin van Persie and Wayne Rooney. Manchester United keep on winning despite playing only 20 minutes of good football each match. It has nothing to do with tactics, and it’ll make them fall and stumble down the road.

  • Manchester United – Wayne Rooney Cheats His Way to Victory

    Manchester United – Wayne Rooney Cheats His Way to Victory

    It was Robin van Persie, as always, that began yet another Manchester United comeback. It was Wayne Rooney selling a dive on the soaked pitch wonderfully, winning a penalty and scoring it this time (unlike the weekend) to keep the Red Devils perfect in the Champions League group stage, clinching qualification into the knockout stage.

  • Manchester United – Wayne Rooney Doing Everything

    Manchester United – Wayne Rooney Doing Everything

    Playing well wasn’t on the table for both teams, only Manchester United executed first. Robin van Persie scored once more, this time in an apologetic manner, but it was Wayne Rooney who made everything happen for the league leaders, doing everything and being everywhere for 90 minutes.

  • Manchester United – Robin van Persie in his Best Form Ever

    Manchester United – Robin van Persie in his Best Form Ever

    This Manchester United side that Alex Ferguson is running with this season is a strange hybrid of atrocious defending, a goalkeeper that defies logic, no midfield play whatsoever, wings that keep on pushing and one Robin van Persie, continuing a two year stretch of being the best goalscorer and player in the Premier League.

  • What Wayne Rooney Will Look Like After Football

    What Wayne Rooney Will Look Like After Football

    Poor Wayne Rooney. It’s not his fault that he doesn’t have the genes to make him look like an Olympic swimmer. Despite all of his talent and accomplishment, people will always find a way to get back to his fondness of chubbiness and going bald, taking a step against that one by installing hair plugs, quite successfully one should admit.

  • Manchester United – Wayne Rooney Enjoying Football Again

    Manchester United – Wayne Rooney Enjoying Football Again

    Two months into the 2012-2013 season, you might say that Wayne Rooney is finally beginning his campaign, picking up his first Premier League goals of the season in another performance that reminded everyone of what he can do for a Manchester United team that needs all the scoring it can get.