Tag: jose mourinho

  • The Scandals Jose Mourinho Leaves Behind at Real Madrid

    The Scandals Jose Mourinho Leaves Behind at Real Madrid

    The most dysfunctional partnership in the 2012-2013 season was that between Jose Mourinho and Real Madrid, but after weeks and months of trying to get himself sacked, it worked. The former special one is now free to find himself a new club, while Florentino Perez will try and win himself an election while assessing the damage done to the team during a failure of a season and where to go from here.

  • Cristiano Ronaldo Ends the Season Like Only He Can

    Cristiano Ronaldo Ends the Season Like Only He Can

    The most incredible thing about the disastrous finish Real Madrid & Cristiano Ronaldo had? The red card the Portuguese star received in the Cup Final was of the kind only supreme athletes can get. Few players have the ability to be fouled from behind, do a reverse half somersault while falling on their backs and still manage to be quick enough in body and mind to try and kick the head of an opposing player.

  • Real Madrid – Cristiano Ronaldo, Mesut Ozil & Jose Mourinho Go Out Like Losers

    Real Madrid – Cristiano Ronaldo, Mesut Ozil & Jose Mourinho Go Out Like Losers

    All the questions of uncertainty are back on the table once more, even if the season isn’t completely over. Cristiano Ronaldo went back to his younger, foolish and hot tempered self by trying to kick the head off of Gabi. Jose Mourinho simply continued the awful road he’s been on this season which reeks of opportunism, selfishness and sabotaging. Mesut Ozil, just like in other big matches over the last few seasons, simply wasn’t there when Real Madrid needed him to.

  • Real Madrid – Copa Del Rey a Chance for Cristiano Ronaldo & Jose Mourinho to Say the Season was a Success

    Real Madrid – Copa Del Rey a Chance for Cristiano Ronaldo & Jose Mourinho to Say the Season was a Success

    When a team like Real Madrid sets its goals before every season, the definition of success isn’t counting on winning the Copa Del Rey, even if the final is set to be against their big local rivals, Atletico Madrid. After another season of relative failure, Jose Mourinho and Cristiano Ronaldo have a chance to add a meaningless trophy, not for the first time, in order to say that it wasn’t as bad as the “pro-Barcelona” media is trying to present it.

  • Barcelona & Real Madrid Won’t Miss Jose Mourinho

    Barcelona & Real Madrid Won’t Miss Jose Mourinho

    For some, having an antagonist like Jose Mourinho makes football a lot more interesting. But while managers like him are good for the ratings and interest in the game, it does blur the lines between right & wrong, moral and immoral. He’s a great manager, but Real Madrid don’t look back at periods without too many titles with longing, while Barcelona were sick of him from even before he arrived.

  • Real Madrid Are Terrible Without Cristiano Ronaldo

    Real Madrid Are Terrible Without Cristiano Ronaldo

    A futile chase that has been going on for months ended three matches before the end of the season, as Cristiano Ronaldo came on a little bit too late to give Real Madrid enough of a boost and make a comeback from deficit to victory, but proved once again that without him on the pitch, despite all the money spent on making this the most impressive squad in Europe, there isn’t that much to be impressed about.

  • Real Madrid & Jose Mourinho Playing a Dangerous Game

    Real Madrid & Jose Mourinho Playing a Dangerous Game

    It’s all about money, ego and respect. The losers? Both Real Madrid and Jose Mourinho, who won’t budge from their stances despite not really wanting to be a part of each other anymore. Unless certain key players, like Cristiano Ronaldo being the prime example, actually present the board with some sort of ultimatum, this might be going on for much longer than anyone expected.

  • Real Madrid – Cristiano Ronaldo Stuck With Individual Achievements

    Real Madrid – Cristiano Ronaldo Stuck With Individual Achievements

    It’s hard to eclipse the persona and havoc of Jose Mourinho these days, spewing fire and other venomous things in every direction, but Real Madrid keep on winning, with Cristiano Ronaldo reaching quite incredible milestones a lot faster than anyone expected him to. Unfortunately for him, these will be the only achievements he has to remember from his first four seasons with the most underachieving club in the world.

  • Real Madrid – Jose Mourinho Might Stay Only Because of Money

    Real Madrid – Jose Mourinho Might Stay Only Because of Money

    Above pride, arrogance and vanity, it seems almost everyone involved in football appreciated money more than anything else. With that in mind, while Jose Mourinho is trying to worm his way out of Real Madrid by burning every possible bridge, his contract and the financial implications of breaching it might lead to him staying where he isn’t wanted, and he isn’t too keen on staying.

  • Manchester United Rumors – Alex Ferguson Between Retirement and Staying

    Manchester United Rumors – Alex Ferguson Between Retirement and Staying

    It’s one thing when the Sun and the Daily Mirror insist that someone is on his way out, but when both the Telegraph and The Times claim that according to sources around Manchester United, Alex Ferguson will be announcing his retirement, it does become more than just meaningless shouting into the wind.