Tag: Jim Harbaugh

  • San Francisco 49ers – Colin Kaepernick Keeps Getting Worse

    San Francisco 49ers – Colin Kaepernick Keeps Getting Worse

    From almost being a Super Bowl hero, to a quarterback who becomes a liability to his team. The San Francisco 49ers found themselves on strange ground after losing to the Carolina Panthers, being unable to trust the passing ability of their heralded quarterback, who might have allowed all of the compliments from the first game of the season get to his head.

  • San Francisco 49ers – Turning Kaepernick Into Alex Smith

    San Francisco 49ers – Turning Kaepernick Into Alex Smith

    The San Francisco 49ers have won four consecutive games thanks to one big change they’ve made, which is stop relying on Colin Kaepernick and his overrated passing skills. Instead, they’ve turned him into a more athletic version of Alex Smith, while returning to basics: An excellent and patient defense against the run, while giving Frank Gore the ball as much as possible.

  • San Francisco 49ers – Colin Kaepernick Nothing But a Cog in the Machine

    San Francisco 49ers – Colin Kaepernick Nothing But a Cog in the Machine

    As we go deeper into the 2013 NFL season, Colin Kaepernick looks less and less special, while the San Francisco 49ers are getting back to their dominant and their impressive ways by going back to basics: An incredibly strong and smothering defense, accompanied by the power running game that has been the biggest part of their success since Jim Harbaugh took over.

  • San Francisco 49ers – Frank Gore Makes Colin Kaepernick Look Good

    San Francisco 49ers – Frank Gore Makes Colin Kaepernick Look Good

    The answer to the question of whether Colin Kaepernick is or isn’t a good quarterback wasn’t answered as the San Francisco 49ers found their groove again thanks to establishing their power running game through Frank Gore, while their defense has looked impregnable for the first time this season.

  • San Francisco 49ers – Colin Kaepernick Isn’t the Problem

    San Francisco 49ers – Colin Kaepernick Isn’t the Problem

    Believing Colin Kaepernick was the main reason for the success we saw from the San Francisco 49ers last season or in the opening week is the same kind of logic that leads those blaming him for the two consecutive losses, but ignores the true strengths of this team and its actual problem.

  • San Francsico 49ers – Colin Kaepernick Isn’t That Special

    San Francsico 49ers – Colin Kaepernick Isn’t That Special

    The last two games have been a coming-down-to-earth process for the San Francisco 49ers, learning that Colin Kaepernick isn’t a quarterback who can handle anything thrown at him or a lacking receiving crew, while the team itself isn’t as intimidating, strong and ready for another Super Bowl challenge as some might thought they were.

  • 49ers vs Seahawks – Richard Sherman Won’t Let Jim Harbaugh Lose Quietly

    49ers vs Seahawks – Richard Sherman Won’t Let Jim Harbaugh Lose Quietly

    But after losing 29-3, the second consecutive 20+ loss by the 49ers on their visit to Seattle, there wasn’t much Harbaugh could say without looking bad. It was bad enough his fits on the sidelines didn’t seem to be helping out his team at all; whining about calls and officials when your team is playing poorly, when the calls you make are terrible could only make things seem worse.

  • NFL Trades – Alex Smith Wants to be Released

    NFL Trades – Alex Smith Wants to be Released

    It doesn’t take a genius to do the math and realize that the San Francisco 49ers are going to have a hard time keeping a quarterback due $8.5 million in 2013 on the bench. Alex Smith wants to play, and he wants to do it on his own terms, which means not getting traded by the 49ers; he wants to be released before free agency begins.

  • Chip Kelly Doesn’t Know What He’s Gotten Himself Into

    Chip Kelly Doesn’t Know What He’s Gotten Himself Into

    Why did Chip Kelly need this mess? You couldn’t ask for a better job than being the head coach at Oregon, one of the top football programs in the nation.

  • San Francisco 49ers – Fake Perfection for Alex Smith

    San Francisco 49ers – Fake Perfection for Alex Smith

    In the free-falling Arizona Cardinals, the San Francisco 49ers found the perfect opponent for Alex Smith to improve his numbers against, throwing three touchdowns to his only one incompletion, as they beat another NFC West team with their smothering defense 24-3.