Tag: Transfer Speculation

  • Transfer Rumors 2012 – Manchester City want Daniele De Rossi

    Not for the first time this summer, Daniele De Rossi has been linked to one of the bigger Premier League clubs, although it seems that this time, Manchester City’s interest in the Italian international seems to be more than just rumors and words thrown around, with Roberto Mancini desperate to get at least one signing under his belt this summer.

  • Transfer Rumors 2012 – Julio Cesar to Arsenal or Tottenham

    Like plenty of things involving Inter, Julio Cesar’s form deteriorated once Jose Mourinho made his exit and left to Real Madrid. Now it seems the Brazilian goalkeeper, once to be considered as the best in the world by some, has no future with the club he’s been with for 7 seasons, getting teams like Arsenal and Tottenham to show some interest, meanwhile looking into the Hugo Lloris option.

  • Transfer Rumors 2012 – AC Milan After Kaka and Arjen Robben

    It’s not only about selling for AC Milan, who have lost almost every recognizable player this summer. There are plans to give the fans someone to cheer about, with the club looking into signing Arjen Robben from Bayern Munich and Kaka from Real Madrid.

  • Transfer Rumors 2012 – PSG Join Real Madrid in Luka Modric Chase

    The current Luka Modric situation – Tottenham want £40 million. Luka Modric wants to leave to Real Madrid. Real Madrid want Luka Modric, but Florentino Perez says Real can’t afford Spurs’ asking price. In comes PSG, who can afford any price anyone throws at the table.

  • Transfer Rumors 2012 – Liverpool to Sign Joe Allen

    Finally, someone from Swansea and the previous life of manager Brendan Rodgers might make it to his new job at Anfield as Liverpool chief. Joe Allen, the Welsh international who is also part of the British Olympic Squad to London 2012 is reported to be on the verge of completing a deal that will make him a Liverpool player.

  • Transfer Rumors 2012 – Robin van Persie Slipping away from Manchester City

    Manchester City might be the richest club in the world, or at least one of them, but that doesn’t mean that Roberto Mancini can still spend as much as he’d like. The Robin van Persie situation demonstrates the power struggles at the club’s highest levels, as football administrator Brian Marwood is denying Mancini the opportunity to get the Arsenal striker.

  • Transfer Rumors 2012 – Kaka Leaving Real Madrid

    Once, not too long ago, Kaka was the best player in the world, awards and all. Now he can’t find a place in the Real Madrid squad, and as the news of Jose Mourinho announcing to the player that he’s surplus to requrierments this season and will be allowed to leave for the right price, a pretty interesting chase will probably begin.

  • Transfer Rumors 2012 – Arsenal After Santi Cazorla

    Arsenal aren’t only about trying to hold on to Robin van Persie. Arsene Wenger is still hoping to get something out of the transfer market, shifting his attention to unsettled Santi Cazorla of Malaga, hoping that the Spanish club won’t mount too many financial difficulties in the way of a completed deal.

  • Transfer Rumors 2012 – Oscar Almost a Chelsea Player

    All great transfer sagas come to an end, and Oscar dos Santos isn’t any different, as it seems the only thing keeping the 20 year old Brazilian from completing his move from Internacional to Chelsea is getting a work permit. Considering he’s played six times already for the national side and will play for Brazil in the Olympic games, it’s safe to assume he’ll get a permit.

  • Transfer Rumors 2012 – Chelsea Also After Robert Lewandowski

    Not just Manchester United, but now also Chelsea. Good player never attract just one big team’s attention. Robert Lewandowski of Borussia Dortmund and one of the most productive strikers in Europe last season is now being chased by the Blues as well, although Chelsea’s initial offer is way too low for what Dortmund have in mind.