Tag: 100 meter race

  • Usain Bolt Wins the 100 in Oslo & Crashes Into Flower Girl

    Usain Bolt made another step towards another Olympic Gold by setting a new 100 meter record in the Diamond League meet in Oslo, running a 9.79 and beating his country-mate Asafa Powell in a photo finish (9.85), before nearly trampling a flower girl making an ill-timed walk onto the track.

  • Usain Bolt Reminding Us About the Olympics With a Season Best 9.76 in Rome

    With all the Euro preparation, Stanley Cup Finals and NBA Playoffs, we forgot the second biggest sporting event in the world is coming this summer – The 2012 London Olympics. Usain Bolt, probably the most incredible athlete to look forward to seeing in London, reminded us of what’s ahead by setting a season best 9.76 in the Diamond League meet in Rome.

  • Usain Bolt Disqualified, Jamaica Still Take Gold via Yohan Blake

    A Jamaican won the Men’s 100 meter race, but not the one everyone thought, expected to bring home gold. Usain Bolt, the fastest man alive, the fastest man in history, who set the current World record of 9.58 two years ago in the previous World Championships began too early, and fell victim to the one strike you’re out rule. Fellow countryman Yohan Blake, with 9.92, took home the gold while the field and crowd were still stunned by the turn of events.