Usain Bolt Wins the 100 in Oslo & Crashes Into Flower Girl

Usain Bolt made another step towards another Olympic Gold by setting a new 100 meter record in the Diamond League meet in Oslo, running a 9.79 and beating his country-mate Asafa Powell in a photo finish (9.85), before nearly trampling a flower girl making an ill-timed walk onto the track.

Bolt had another bad starts, with Powell leading up until the last 5 meters. Bolt’s incredible finishing speed came into play as he beat the former world record holder with his final two steps. That makes it 11-1 in Bolt’s favor in the two’s head-to-head, while setting a new track record, breaking Ato Boldon’s 9.88.

For Bolt, it keeps him undefeated since the 2011 World Championships, when he disqualified under the new one-strike-you’re-out rules, leaving the field open for another Jamaican, Yohan Blake, to pick up the first place with a 9.92. Blake’s personal best is 9.82, and don’t be surprised to see a Jamaican Gold-Silver-Bronze on the London podium.

It was so in Oslo – Third came in Lerone Clarke with a 10.10, completing the Jamaican sweep. For now, it doesn’t look like anyone can threaten Bolt in the 100 meter distance, unless Blake comes up with something special or Asafa Powell suddenly becoming a winner, adding something to his finish. In the 200? Don’t forget Blake set a 19.26 last year.

On the funnier, almost turned tragic side of the race, while Bolt and the other sprinters were slowing down from their 10 second race, a Norwegian girl carrying flower made an ill-timed entrance to the track, getting in the way of Bolt who barely slowed down in time before running her down, managing to halt and grab on to her before the fall.

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