Tag: Andre Marriner

  • 10 Memes About Arsene Wenger & Arsenal Being Humiliated

    It was a rough day for anyone who is an Arsenal fan, but also for the manager Arsene Wenger and the players themselves. It’s bad enough to lose 6-0 to Chelsea while having the wrong player sent off. All the jokes and memes around the internet about it seem to be making it much worse.

  • On Arsene Wenger, Loser-ism and the Andre Marriner Mistake

    On Arsene Wenger, Loser-ism and the Andre Marriner Mistake

    We’ve seen it so many times for a number of years: Arsenal lose a big match, Arsene Wenger offers (or doesn’t) a weak explanation and excuse after the match and doubts about his future at the club are raised. Losers or not, it was one humiliating afternoon for the gunners, although they didn’t get much help from a terrible decision by Andre Marriner, putting another nail in any kind of respect or hope someone still has in referees and their decision making.

  • Jose Mourinho – Hypocrite and Someting of a Liar

    Jose Mourinho – Hypocrite and Someting of a Liar

    Sometimes you expect managers for some greater sense of integrity regarding sportsmanship, but often you don’t get that from the biggest names and egos. Jose Mourinho has spoken many times against diving, but only when it hurts his own team. Ramires cheating his way to a penalty kick and saving Chelsea from losing showed just how much fair play is really important to the most famous manager in football.

  • Andre Marriner Helps Ramires & Chelsea Cheat Their Way Out of a Loss

    Andre Marriner Helps Ramires & Chelsea Cheat Their Way Out of a Loss

    On their way to a historic victory at Stamford Bridge, West Brom were robbed of two points as Andre Marriner mistook a blatant Ramires dive for a foul by Steven Reid, giving Chelsea an injury time penalty kick which was converted by Eden Hazard, with the match ending in a 2-2 draw.