Tag: Boxing Scandal

  • Manny Pacquiao vs Timothy Bradley – All Clean, Nothing Illegal?

    If anyone believed that something new regarding Manny Pacquiao getting robbed by the Nevada judges in his fight against Timothy Bradley, than I guess you don’t know boxing. The Nevada state attorney general found nothing illegal about their decision making, which makes it even more weird and questionable.

  • Manny Pacquiao Getting Screwed by the Judges Doesn’t go Away

    It’s been about 36 hours since one of the worst decisions in Boxing’s recent history. Manny Pacquiao wasn’t at his best, but there wasn’t a single person watching the fight thinking he got outboxed by Timothy Bradley. Except for two judges and another one who called it too close than it really was.

  • Aftermath of the Pacquiao – Bradley Fight

    Manny Pacquiao landed more punches and more power shots than Timothy Bradley. According to anyone who was watching and scoring the fight, Pacquiao had won something between 8 to 10 of the rounds. It was that one sided. But the judges saw a completely different fight, and somehow, someway, decided to give the sport another terrible decision – Bradley wins, Split Decision.