Manny Pacquiao Getting Screwed by the Judges Doesn’t go Away

It’s been about 36 hours since one of the worst decisions in Boxing’s recent history. Manny Pacquiao wasn’t at his best, but there wasn’t a single person watching the fight thinking he got outboxed by Timothy Bradley. Except for two judges and another one who called it too close than it really was.

When things like this happen, controversy and conspiracy are the first words that pop to your head. Bob Arum, Top Rank head honcho, loves money, and loves milking his Manny Pacquiao cash cow for all she’s got until Pacquiao decides to call it quits. On the outside, Arum has acted all outraged, calling it out the judges and saying against and again what a travesty occurred.

But it didn’t take long, not more than a few minutes, for Arum to start talking about the rematch. Timothy Bradley talked about the November rematch. Manny Pacquiao talked about the rematch. Everyone wanted a rematch? Everyone wanted to make more money, while fans thought this was about winning and putting himself in a position, once again, to face Floyd Mayweather.

There won’t be a probe or any disciplinary action regarding the judges of the appalling decision, according to the Nevada State Athletic Commission’s executive director. Keith Kizer said he had the fight going to Pacquiao as well, but wouldn’t go further than say that all the judges should strive to get better. The judges in question have lived a combined 145 years on this planet. They’re not likely to get much better in terms of how they see the fight.

Appeal? It doesn’t seem to be in the best interest of those wanting to make money off another Pacquiao – Bradley fight, playing on the revenge angle. Bradley had to be in a wheel chair after the fight after injuring his ankle. Manny Pacquiao barely had a scratch on him. Somehow, Manny Pacquiao came out as the loser. If the faith in the legitimacy of Boxing was dying prior to the fight, it has to be dead by now.

So here’s how I see the plan from Bob Arum’s corner. NOT fight Floyd Mayweather in November, a decision he made a long time ago. Get this rematch going which Pacquiao should win. He should have won this fight as well. He did, in the ring, according to subjective and objective measures.

Have Mayweather fight Sergio Martinez and later on, when both aren’t at their peak, finally agree to them fighting each other. It makes sense, financially, knowing that Pacquiao doesn’t plan on fighting much longer. Go out with a bang and all that, riding into the sunset on dollar bills.

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