Tag: Ivan Gazidis

  • Tottenham Hotspur, the Team That Can’t Stop Signing Players

    Tottenham Hotspur, the Team That Can’t Stop Signing Players

    The biggest spenders in the Premier League this season are Tottenham, a team that won’t even be in the Champions League. After Paulinho, Nacer Chadli, Roberto Soldado, Etienne Capoue, Erik Lamela and Vlad Chiriches, it seems they’re still not done, with Christian Eriksen of Ajax coming next.

  • Arsenal FC – Arsene Wenger Given One Last Chance to Deliver

    Arsenal FC – Arsene Wenger Given One Last Chance to Deliver

    There’s more than just proclaiming “we’re still a big club” when Arsenal officials announce that they can spend like the best of ’em this summer. This means Arsene Wenger has no more excuses, and that just finishing fourth and making the Champions League won’t be enough next season.

  • Arsenal Planning on Becoming Big Spenders This Summer

    Arsene Wenger is heading into another rough summer of trying to hold on to his best player, this time Robin van Persie. But maybe he’ll have a bit more of a financial aid this time, as Arsenal chiefs are planning on restructuring the wage bill in order to allow keeping and bringing in top talent.

  • When You Say Arsene Wenger Won’t be Sacked…

    Despite the terrible start, Arsene Wenger’s job is safe, according to Ivan Gazidis, Arsenal chief executive. I don’t know what’s worse – A silent club front office during hard times or club directors that give the manager, over the media, job security and confidence. The moments that whole – ‘We won’t fire him’ thing begins, the road often shortly winds up in sack-ville.