When You Say Arsene Wenger Won’t be Sacked…

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Despite the terrible start, Arsene Wenger’s job is safe, according to Ivan Gazidis, Arsenal chief executive. I don’t know what’s worse – A silent club front office during hard times or club directors that give the manager, over the media, job security and confidence. The moments that whole – ‘We won’t fire him’ thing begins, the road often shortly winds up in sack-ville.

I’ve been off the Wenger bandwagon since 2009. One of our older posts had to do with Wenger’s chances of surviving the 2009-2010 season with his job intact. Well, it’s been over two years and he’s still here. Arsenal just seem to be moving backwards, and it seems to me the Frenchman has been out of touch, captive of his own conceptions and beliefs, which have the club going nowhere.

If the 8-2 Manchester United defeat wasn’t enough, the 4-3 loss at Blackburn, after leading 2-1 at half time, seems to be an almost impossible burden for Wenger to carry. The fan onslaught on the manager keeps growing and growing, especially as he insists that the panic signings he made just before deadline have made Arsenal a stronger team than when they were with Fabregas and Samir Nasri. What a joke.

Wenger, usually and adamant defender of this players, even when losing, pretty much blamed his defense for A lack of concentration, a lack of communication, a lack of co-ordination and individual urgency. Our season depends now on how well we respond to this disappointment and how quickly we can cut out the mistakes we made on Saturday by giving away goals that we should never give away.

I don’t know, but this sounds like a broken record to me. the same problems have been plaguing this team for three years now. Some sort of illusion that the youngsters will get better and gel has exploded. What Arsenal fans see before them is a team still without a midfield enforcer, no Van Persie striking partner, no reliable goalkeeper or centre backs. Meanwhile, Arsene Wenger is trying to sell them bad goods as title-material.

Still, despite all that’s rotten in the Gunner kingdom, Wenger’s job is not on the line, so they say – Sacking Wenger is a route we are not going to go down. Critics and fans that portray Wenger as some kind of idiot is damaging for football. Wenger is no idiot, but he’s the one doing most of the damaging to his own team for too long now.

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