Tag: Tebow Trade

  • Warning, Overload – Tim Tebow in New York

    Tim Tebow as a New York Jet? It’s hard to comprehend the ramification. Forget about the professional ones, of the Jets bringing over a bad quarterback to make Mark Sanchez’ life even more terrible and his chair even shakier. One of the most polarizing athletes in the NFL, in America is heading over to a city where every peeps is blown out of proportion. Lets the good times roll.

  • Good for Manning & Broncos, Bad for Tebow & the Team That Signs Him

    Peyton Manning was simply the better, needless to say obvious choice. One of the greatest quarterbacks of all time, despite his multiple srugeries, is something you go for, despite the cost, when the other option is Tim Tebow. John Elway never really caught on to Tebowing and the fan craze around the unconventional quarterback, and made the right decision.