Warning, Overload – Tim Tebow in New York

Tim Tebow as a New York Jet? It’s hard to comprehend the ramification. Forget about the professional ones, of the Jets bringing over a bad quarterback to make Mark Sanchez’ life even more terrible and his chair even shakier. One of the most polarizing athletes in the NFL, in America is heading over to a city where every peeps is blown out of proportion. Lets the good times roll.

I don’t know what the Jets were thinking. Do they really need to sell jerseys that bad? Is making some sort of competition in the quarterback position that important? Does Rex Ryan really want to upset or get rid of Mark Sanchez that badly? He’s willing to get a quarterback who has no idea or intention of being a pocket thrower, and has not fared well against the Patriots in his two encounters with them?

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Lets recap. The Denver Broncos met the New England Patriots twice in 2011. Once in the regular season, once in the playoffs. The first meeting was a 41-23 win for the Pats. It was all about comparisons between Tebow and Brady, silly as they may be. The Broncos were drunk on Tebow-mania. Seven wins in eight games, with the playoffs, after way too long, suddenly a sure, or almost certain, kind of thing.

Well, Tebow was destroyed. Limiting him to the pocket creates, well, plenty of opportunities to see his poor passing take over. To see how he gets by on his legs and legs alone. He ran for 93 yards and threw for 194, but he seemed to spend all of his ammunition in the first quarter, before him and the Broncos simply faded away.

Nothing changed in January. The Broncos took advantage of an arrogant defensive plan from the Steelers to cause a major upset over a banged up team, with Tebow throwing the winning touchdown on the first play of overtime. Again, this time visiting the Patriots, things didn’t turn out so well. Tebow completed only 9 for his 26 passes, was sacked 5 times and the Broncos lost 45-10. Tom Brady even punted at some point!

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John Elway knew at that moment, I’m pretty sure. Well, he probably knew earlier on, but couldn’t go against a guy that while not playing traditionally well, he kept on winning games with fourth quarter comebacks. Too popular to overthrow, Elway got a gift with the Peyton Manning face that set the trade in motion. The Manning thing can explode as well. Who knows how he’ll play. But he was enough to send Tebow packing.

And now the Tebow show is going to New York. To a city willing to raise you high and quickly tear you down, just magnified times 20 than compared with anything else. A lot of people love Tebow for whatever he does off the field. I’m not sure that’ll be enough for him once the most important thing, his actual ability, has to carry him through. The festival will take him only to a certain point.

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