Wayne Rooney, Red Cards and English Uber Tragic

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It wasn’t that long ago when Wayne Rooney was a persona non grata in Manchester United. Talking about Alex Ferguson, his way out of the club was pretty much paved, open. Eventually, Rooney stayed, and United won yet another title.

Now England have turned against him again. It’s been 5 years since Rooney got sent off against Portugal in the 2006 World Cup. It’s just over a year since Rooney had a terrible World Cup, failing to score even once after the best season of his career.

England do make a tragedy out of everything, especially when football is concerned, especially with the national team. Not winning a title since 1966, despite the high self esteem, mixed in with some underdog sentiment buried in each and every fan and player, does that to you.

Rooney will now miss the group stages of the Euro. Maybe an appeal can change that, because the foul wasn’t really that bad. Life will go on, and there are bigger dramas in the world. A civil uprising in the United States for example. A soldier, coming home after more than 5 years in the hands of terrorists. England will live without Wayne Rooney for 3 games.

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