Mayweather vs Pacquiao – Bob Arum is All For it

More complicated than peace negotiations between battling countries, the Floyd Mayweather – Manny Pacquiao talks continue to keep us in suspense, waiting for white smoke to come out of some conference room and let us know we have the biggest boxing fight in a long long time.

A lot of finger pointing and accusations are thrown around as the who doesn’t want the fight to happen. Up until recently Floyd Mayweather seemed to be the cause of the delay. Legal problems aside, it seemed he just didn’t want the fight to happen. Maybe he still doesn’t but he looks like he’s making an effort.

The fingers are pointed toward Top Rank’s Bob Arum these days. Possibly the strongest man in the business is Manny Pacquiao’s promoter, and the third fight between the pound-4-pound king and Juan Manuel Marquez shuffled the cards in such a way that Arum seems to be favoring a fourth fight with Marquez.

Be it Oscar De La Hoya, not exactly best buds with Arum or Floyd Mayweather, the other camp is pointing fingers at Arum as not wanting to do business with Golden Boy, denying Manny Pacquiao the fight he prefers to take. The Pacquiao camp, especially trainer Freddie Roach, also had it’s share of blaming Arum for the stall.

The thing is, this is not personal. This is business. I hate when personal feelings get brought into the equation. It’s stupid. The thing is that Bob Arum and Don King didn’t always get along, but they did business. There’s no reason that they shouldn’t be able to make it happen.

Arum is thinking business actually, maybe long term, but still business. Suddenly fearing Pacquaio’s chances against Mayweather, he prefers milking the Filipino cash-cow for another Marquez fight which will bring in plenty of money, with a smaller risk of Manny losing the fight and beginning the downward spiral.

Bob Arum? He doesn’t understand what all the fuss is about. Certainly, we at Top Rank want that fight, Manny wants that fight, I believe Floyd wants that fight. So why wouldn’t I be optimistic? It doesn’t necessarily have to be on May 5. If Floyd wants to fight Pacquiao, maybe another day is preferable.

15 responses to “Mayweather vs Pacquiao – Bob Arum is All For it”

  1. […] Link for the Rest of the Story Share this:EmailFacebookPrint Possible Opponents Boxer Websites Money MayweatherPacmanAmir Khan Ringnews24 RSS FeedJoe Gallagher "I feel like Kevin Keegan, I'd just love it if we went there and got the … December 2, 2011Manny Pacquiao and the nuisance that is Juan Manuel Marquez! November 29, 2011Undefeated Chris 'Stainless' Steel aims to end 2011 on a high November 28, 2011 Popular Boxing Sites/Forums Eastside Boxing Forum—————Boxing SceneFight Hype Top Rank News FeedRound Up: Cotto Wins by TKO in Round 10 December 5, 2011Round Up: Rios Wins By TKO in Round 11 December 5, 2011Round Up: Jones Wins by Unanimous Decision December 5, 2011 Upcoming Fights […]

  2. Pacquiao is not a credible threat to Floyd & he never has been… I’m a Pacquiao fan but I can’t stand his biased blind uneducated fans who think he’s the greatest boxer of all time. That is a joke… Pacquiao is fun to watch – twitchy movement, fast hands & good KO power – but in terms of technical boxing skills he’s seriously lacking. Floyd would take advantage of all the openings Pacquiao leaves. Khan, Cotto & Alvarez wouldn’t stand a chance – but they’d be much more competitive than Pacquiao – because they’re technical boxers. The only credible contender for Floyd would be if Sergio Martinez came down in weight – & even he has slim chances of dethroning Mayweather. Face it: the fact is Mayweather is the best boxer in the world & he has been for years. Pacquiao is not & never was on Floyd’s level – it’s a fact.

  3. To MMABoxingGoonie: Dude,you sure know your boxing. For the longest I’ve been blogging trying to get all these johnny-come-lately Pacquiao fans to understand that “Bob Arum” built the Manny Pacquiao hype-machine through hand selecting beatable opponents,combined with the aid of a strength & conditioing coach that was giving Pacquiao performance enhancers.

  4. @MMABoxingGoonie: Good call. I totally agree with everything you’ve stated. I believe a fight between Pac and Floyd is a waste. The only reason that I would want to see the fight would be for the purposes of silencing Pac fans. Those who hate Floyd, and want to see him lose, are plying right into his hands by demanding he fight Pac; Floyd will have the biggest, easiest payday of his career.

  5. Arum already has his plans laid out for Pacquiao and Mayweather is not in them. His next three fights are gonna consist of the following people Marquez, Bradley, and Cotto, but not necessarily in that order. But like I have always said, I feel like Pacquiao himself doesn’t want to fight Mayweather and that he hides behind his Promoter. Pacquiao is the #1 or #2 (depending on how you look at it) biggest star in boxing at this point in his career. So if he really wanted to fight Mayweather he wouldn’t take no for an answer from his promoter, and he would be more outspoken on his stance. His trainer Freddie Roach sure is. His strength and condition coach Alex Ariza sure is. But Not Pacquiao????

  6. There are no true pacman fans out there! They won’t even place bets! Pacman is the biggest hype fighter I’ve seen in years. When he fights Mayweather he will be finished!!!

  7. Sounds like all you guys are on the Mayweather bandwaggon. True enough the fight between Pac and Clotty may have been fixed, and also with Mosley.. both being big strong champions. However, we must give credit to Pac over DeLa Hoya, whom he pulvarized.. Hatton, whom he almost killed, and a big strong Cotto who he pulvarized and almost knocked out, also hanging in there with Margarito. Mayweather has dodged Cotto and Margarito. This last fight with Marquez was the only of the last 5 or 6 fights that Pacquiao didn’t win on a landslide. You guys think what you want, but my advice to you is don’t put all your money on the fight. It is possible that may see Mayweather broken down by power punches and stamina, and may even see him get KO’d. He chin has only been really tested once, and that was from a dehydrated Shane Mosley. Mosley didn’t eat or drink 3 days before the fight, which is why his stamina gave out, or unless the fight was fixed by Bob Arum.

  8. Guys, if its so easy then why hasnt Mayweather signed for the fight? If Pacquiao is a lesser threat than Cotto(didnt Pac fuck him up?), Khan, Alvarez, etc. then why doesnt Floyd Go for an easy 50+ mill? dont give me any BS about PEDs and shit.

    In the latest Mayweather vid, he still claims that Pacman couldnt have gotten SO GREAT all of a sudden. Thats means he still doubts himself. Think about it morons. Who in the world would not fight against a “ONE” dimensional boxer for the biggest Paychecdk they would ever recieve?

  9. The truth here is that Mayweather can’t make a fight against Pacman because Bob Arum is playing politics here. He doesn’t like Goldenboy promotions so he is not working to make this fight happen.

    Think about it, there are other potentially major fights that Top Rank and Goldenboy could put together that haven’t happened either. I don’t really blame Mayweather or Pacquiao because the promotion companies are the ones that pay the fighters and thus control who fights. Did anyone really want to see Pacman beat up on on a fighter like Clotty?

    This fight not happening just magnifies a larger problem in boxing; which is in general the best possible fights are not being made. This reminds me of the BCS in college football where the athletes are not deciding who is the best. It would be nice if boxing had one major league or belt with mandatory challengers.

  10. As Manny Pacquiao said before to Margarito, “ENOUGH TALK, LET’S JUST GET IT ON!” We just have to wait and see about the Mayweather fight.

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