The Floyd Mayweather Twitter Experience

Floyd Mayweather is successful and rich. We all know that. Being undefeated for 16 years, with a 42-0 record, currently the WBC Welterweight champion and titles and five different divisions over the years should put you in some sort of comfort zone, enabling you to show your lighter side, right?

Not for Mayweather, who’s in this constant limbo to prove he’s the best, to shout out against those who claim he’s not the best, to keep on making ridiculous sums of money from his fights, admitting he doesn’t think he should split PPV revenues with anyone because the can’t afford to make the split, and to show the world how good he is at gambling.

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Most worthwhile twitter accounts to follow are from the guys who don’t take themselves too seriously. Willing to make, and take a joke. Those who actually make it fun following their tweets. Like JaVale McGee for example. A bit too crazy for your taste? Well at least it’s not all about self glorification and showing your public and fans, who pay nearly $60 for PPVs and who knows how much to get a ticket in Vegas, how much you make and spend on gambling.

But it’s hard to guess and know what really goes on in Mayweather’s head. Is he really that bad of a guy? I mean his arrests and legal problems have to come from some bad patch in him, right? Although everyone has their bad side and makes mistakes, Mayweather keeps slipping, badly, into these holes. He’s going to jail for his crimes and mistakes, although you wouldn’t know it from following his press conferences or his twitter account. Mum’s the word.

Is he that arrogant? Or is it just loving to be the fall guy for the media, playing the villain so he can sell more? He plays it extremely well, and it has certainly paid off for him in recent years, retiring and coming back twice, recording some of the most viewed and profitable fights in history, including the Oscar De La Hoya fight, with 2.7 million views.

His record, and his viewing numbers, have put him in a position where he can dictate any term he fancies, even against Manny Pacquiao. At least he feels he can throw around any number he likes. It hasn’t gotten him the Pac-Man fight, yet.

Not being a trained phychologist, having daddy issues, having a father who seems to be actually jealous of his success and having a son that has exceeded him by great length in the ring, has to take its toll, has to have molded him into being purposley unlikable. The whole “F%^& the World” attitude can’t be 100% true. Even Mayweather himself admitted he’s a different person with his kids, when the cameras and microphones aren’t around.

But on twitter? It’s all about selling success. Still is, and maybe always will be. Never one to show too much sense of humour, and a bit less on the loving yourself by re-tweeting ‘Floyd, you’re the greatest’ comments. Maybe I’m asking too much of one of the greatest fighters in history. To be more than just a perfect athlete, but also be more than someone in it only for the money and wins.

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