Kelly Pavlik Finding His Way Back Into Boxing

Kelly Pavlik is far from where he wants to be, but considering his recent out-of-the-ring history, getting a second round win in his first fight in almost a year, over Aaron Jaco, this minor, almost insignificant fight at 168 lbs is just another step towards a return to better days, which weren’t that long ago.

The most important thing is Pavlik in control of his life, of his demons, of his problems, once again. Training with Robert Garcia in California, Pavlik might still be far off from the form and ability that made him the Ring, WBC and WBO Middleweight champion, but after everything that he’s been through, easy wins over nobodies is a good place to start.

Pavlik won a joke of a fight to be honest. Jaco has clocked only one round of boxing in over five years. He managed to last just more than a round, as Pavlik couldn’t have missed him with any of his shots, even if he tried. A left hand to the head of Jaco ended the fight. Jaco actually beat the count, but couldn’t continue. Pavlik won his first fight under Robert Garcia.

Jaco, nicknamed “Jedi”, had no business being in the ring. But there was no chance anybody was risking the fragile state of Pavlik with a fight he might actually lose. I don’t think Pavlik has really decided if he wants to fight at 168 (Super Middleweight) or 175 (Light Heavyweight). There’s been talk of returning to 160 as well. Nothing is really certain at the moment.

Is Pavlik an actual threat at anyone in these divisions at the moment? Sergio Martinez bloodied him up a while back. Middleweight doesn’t seem to be his destinatino anyway. Super Middle? Andre Ward? Forget about it. He needs a few fights before taking on Froch, Kessler or Bute. Light Heavyweight, with Hopkins, Dawson and Pascal also seems like closed for him in terms of titles.

But you never know. If Pavlik has really put all the nastiness behind him, the future may be much brighter than anyone can expect.

One response to “Kelly Pavlik Finding His Way Back Into Boxing”

  1. […] Kelly Pavlik Finding His Way Back Into Boxing | Sportige8 hours ago … Kelly Pavlik is far from where he wants to be, but considering his recent out-of-the -ring history, getting a second round win in his first fight in … […]

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