NFL Rumors – New York Giants Interested in Cullen Jenkins

NFL Rumors – New York Giants Interested in Cullen Jenkins

Being a player who can do well playing any position in a 4-3 defense’s line makes Cullen Jenkins quite a coveted asset for every team using that formation around the NFL, but it seems that staying in the NFC East after being released by the Philadelphia Eagles doesn’t sound too bad for Jenkins, drawing a lot of interest from the New York Giants.

The Giants released Chris Canty last month, which means there is a hole to fill in their daunting defensive line which seemed to take a step back last season, and filling it with Jenkins isn’t exactly injecting youth into it, but filling the void with a very talented and accomplished player.

Jenkins, like the entire Eagles team, didn’t have the best of seasons in 2012, but he had a good 2011 playing as a defensive tackle, recording 5.5 sacks, and had a good start to 2012, like the entire Eagles defense, before Andy Reid decided to blame his defensive coordinator for problems that were residing elsewhere in the team.

Jenkins is more than just a rumor to the New York Giants, meeting with them on Friday. He’s considered to be one of those strong locker room guys thanks to his experience and his personality, not to mention being a Super Bowl winner with the Green Bay Packers, before leaving to Philadelphia, signing a five-year, $25 million contract that was fulfilled. Jenkins used to play as a defensive end during the earlier days of his career with the Packers, and will help the Giants do some shuffling if necessary, as they try to keep the roster as stable as possible, making the most of what they see as a window to be a perennial postseason team.

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