NFL Rumors – New York Jets Interested in Kevin Kolb

NFL Rumors – New York Jets Interested in Kevin Kolb

While the New York Jets are really looking forward to clearing a lot of cap space and start stocking up on draft picks and build to the future, sorting out their quarterback situation and giving Mark Sanchez some competition is another top priority, possibly waiting for the Arizona Cardinals to get rid of Kevin Kolb.

Kolb had a disastrous season with the Cardinals in 2012, missing most of it due to injury, but actually did finish with a 3-2 record before he and that offensive line completely fell apart. Injuries have been an issue for him in the past, but if he does become available, no longer attached to that very expensive contract he was tied to while playing for the Cardinals, he’ll become a coveted asset for the teams looking to improve the competition for starting quarterback.

At the moment, the Jets probably are going with Mark Sanchez as their starter. Tim Tebow isn’t in their plans, and it’s unlikely they’ll find a trading partner for him, which means he’ll be released at some point. Greg McElroy did have a couple of shining moments last season, but it doesn’t look like Rex Ryan believes in him to become what the Jets want him to. That’s why they’re going with the multiple options approach, looking at several quarterbacks, thinking about starting training camp with 5 on the roster – David Garrard has been working out with the team; Brady Quinn is also being considered as an option.

But Kevin Kolb, if he does become available before the Jets make some moves on other veterans because the draft is void of quarterbacks who can become starters on their first season in the NFL, at least in terms of where it stands at the moment, will probably the first name the Jets would like to get on the team, and maybe even become the favorite to start on Week 1 of 2013 if he does join them. Mark Sanchez is nothing more than a default option at the moment, and an expendable one (and expensive) at that.

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