NFL Rumors – Denver Broncos Closest to Elvis Dumervil

NFL Rumors – Denver Broncos Closest to Elvis Dumervil

By mistake, Elvis Dumervil became the biggest name remaining in the free agency market, although he got there by mistake. Now he prefers to return to the Denver Broncos instead of testing free agency, but the New England Patriots and the Baltimore Ravens might be very interested in the pass-rusher.

Dumervil wants back to Denver, who have been quiet about their plans after the gaffe, which apparently was the fault of Dumervil’s former agent (already fired after the mistake in handling the negotiations and submitting the final papers),  Marty Magid. He had already agreed to a reduced $8 million salary in 2013, as well as an injury guarantee of $3.5 million on a $10.5 million base salary in 2014. A high price to pay, which might be too high for the rest of the suitors.

The Baltimore Ravens have gotten rid of quite a lot of players in this free agency period, and are definitely in need of a pass rusher to complement Terrell Suggs, remaining without his partner in crime last season, Paul Kruger, who might have been buoyed by the ability of Suggs and the attention he drew to him. His price, however, $8 million a season, might be a bit steep for them.

The New England Patriots are another team that might be interested in the linebacker/DE suddenly finding himself available, and the Patriots do have a knack to make players find them lucrative despite offering less money, but more success chances. After last season, and the way the Broncos have been handling themselves this off season, it might no longer be the case.

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