NFL Rumors – Arizona Cardinals Waiting for Oakland Raiders to Release Carson Palmer

NFL Rumors – Arizona Cardinals Waiting for Oakland Raiders to Release Carson Palmer

It’s funny how the NFL quarterback situation is like a row of Domino stones, waiting for one to fall and start a chain reaction. The Oakland Raiders are looking for the guy (Matt Flynn) that will allow them to cut Carson Palmer, which will give the Arizona Cardinals the chance to sign the former number one pick.

It’s not like the Cardinals don’t have a quarterback. After cutting Kevin Kolb, they signed Drew Stanton, who backed up Andrew Luck last season with the Indianapolis Colts. Still, they would prefer someone a little bit more experienced as their starter, despite Bruce Arians being a big fan of Stanton, hoping that Palmer becomes that guy.

Palmer is due to make $13 million next season for the Raiders, and looking at his TD% numbers, despite not making too many mistakes, it’s clear that his best days are way behind him. He doesn’t mind being cut and taking less money, but only for a contending team, or that’s maybe just some ruse he’s telling teams in order to get some leverage. With the Raiders, he doesn’t want to reduce his salary – not when playing for such a bad team. For the Cardinals? If he wants to play for them, he’ll probably be willing to work for less.

This all depends on what the Raiders give for Matt Flynn. Until they get him, Palmer isn’t being cut, as it doesn’t look like Oakland want to draft another “franchise quarterback”, having been burnt quite badly by the whole JaMarcus Russell ordeal.

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