NFL Rumors – Buffalo Bills & New York Jets Interested in Drafting Ryan Nassib

NFL Rumors – Buffalo Bills & New York Jets Interested in Drafting Ryan Nassib

Ryan Nassib

It’s nearly impossible to gauge where quarterbacks in the 2013 NFL draft will end up, with players like Ryan Nassib moving from very low rounds to suddenly being the possible number one QB in the class, as both the Buffalo Bills and the New York Jets, both for their own reasons, hoping to get their hands on the player.

The chase to try and sign the former Syracuse gunslinger, who is quite adept at running a pro-set like the West Coast offense has made him an interesting prospect despite certain weaknesses shown along the way. No one is thinking that Nassib is an immediate starter right now, but both teams, in the same division, don’t want to see him playing against them twice a year and feel like they could have had him.

Nassib ended his college career as the all-time leader in the Big East when it came to completions and attempts, and his former head coach, Doug Marrone, would very much like to see him be a part of the setup he’s trying to build with the Bills, as Kevin Kolb is currently looking like the number one quarterback heading into 2013, but training camp and a little bit of favoritism from the head coach can change that quite quickly.

The Jets are quite fickle and quite in need of, well, anything. But they have vowed to stock the quarterback position with options, giving Mark Sanchez plenty of competition as he heads into the new season, hoping that it brings out the best of him, which hasn’t really been seen over the last couple of years. If not, at least they have a shot of seeing Nassib, or anyone else, show he has the stuff to lead a team that isn’t likely to do too well in 2013.

The question is how high he’s taken? While overall talent raters think Nassib is a second round pick at best, the need to get him might lead the Bills to take him earlier than expected due to the fear of losing him early on in the second round to the Jets or even the Jacksonville Jaguars.

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