NFL Rumors – Tennessee Titans Still Interested in John Abraham

NFL Rumors – Tennessee Titans Still Interested in John Abraham

John Abraham Falcons

The number of options John Abraham has left to choose from is getting slimmer and smaller, but the Tennessee Titans still seem to be on board with adding the veteran defensive end into the mix, although they’re still a bit indecisive on the matter.

Abraham, 35, is quite frustrated with being unemployed in the middle of May, despite his impressive career so far. He led the Atlanta Falcons with 10 sacks last season and his 122 during his career is 13th all-time in the NFL and first among active players, but Abraham doesn’t look to be an active one at the moment.

A series of tweets left people wondering if Abraham has had enough for waiting around on a team to sign him, already visiting with the Titans (last week), Patriots, Sehawks and Broncos this off-season with getting any results. It seemed like he was reflecting retirement, but maybe this is to get some sort of leverage with the team that tries to sign him, or venting out some frustration about his situation.

Abraham wants to be paid like a starting defensive end, but despite his impressive production last season, he is no more an every-snap kind of guy because of his fitness and ankle problems, which also turned him into a non-factor during the postseason for the Falcons, deciding seven seasons (with 68.5 sacks) are enough.

The Titans don’t have much of a pass-rush to speak of, not addressing the issue in the draft, at least not with high picks. If they do get Abraham eventually, and he does deserve to play for someone next season, they better know it means they should have someone at a relatively high level ready to back him up.

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