NFL Rumors – Detroit Lions, New York Jets & Giants Interested in Josh Cribbs

NFL Rumors – Detroit Lions, New York Jets & Giants Interested in Josh Cribbs

Josh Cribbs

After what looked like his swan song, the interest in Josh Cribbs is picking up interest over the last week or so, as the return man who wants to be so much more has been visiting with the New York Jets, New York Giants and the Detroit Lions, and a contract for the 2013 season looks more and more likely.

For Cribbs, who has spent his entire career with the Cleveland Browns (2005-2011), it is important he gets some sort of guarantee that he’ll be playing some part in the receiving game and not just be a special teams player. The Browns only used him in 2011 as a major part of their passing game, catching 41 passes for 518 yards and four touchdowns, but his role on downs reduced the following season.

While all three teams really need all the help they can get when it comes to the return game, in which Cribbs is one of the greatest in NFL history (although his touchdown numbers have severely dropped over the last few years), the need for the 31 year old as a wide receiver might be limited to less than all three teams.

When it comes to the Jets, it doesn’t matter which position you point to – you’ve got it, they need it. Seeing as how anyone who’ll be a quarterback next year will be needing all the help he can get to avoid a catastrophic campaign, Cribbs might enjoy more playing time there as a wide receiver than with other teams.

Same goes for the Lions, who do have the Stafford-Megatron linkup, but really need help to take the load off of the productive duo. Reggie Bush might be able to help, but adding another receiver who can do more than his numbers have shown so far might be another welcome addition, although both the Jets and the Lions are more limited when it comes to available cap space.

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