Transfer Rumors 2013 – Manchester United Trying to Sign Marouane Fellaini & Cesc Fabregas

Transfer Rumors 2013 – Manchester United Trying to Sign Marouane Fellaini & Cesc Fabregas

Fabregas, Fellaini

It’s not quite clear what this means about other players on the squad and their chances of staying on the team, but Manchester United are going at Marouane Ellaini of Everton and Cesc Fabregas of Barcelona with everything they have, attempting to sign both players and not just one.

According to the Guardian, after the whole Thiago Alcantara situation which dragged on for almost a month but turned out to be nothing but an empty chase, ending with Moyes not quite sure about the player’s abilities due to his limited time in the lineup for Barcelona, United haven’t ignored the need for central midfielders who can have a huge impact on the offensive game.

The bid for Barcelona, who no one is quite sure of how much it was, has been made. The assumption at United is that Fabregas wants to leave, or at least will want to with United being the team that’s asking, and everything depends on Barcelona being willing to sell. It is thought that the bid was for €30 million.

Fellaini has been on and off the headlines regarding leaving Goodison Park from the beginning of last season, with the subject peaking once a month or so. United haven’t been the only team showing interest, but the Moyes – Everton connection can’t be ignored, and it’s hard to believe not a single one of his players from previous seasons won’t be joining him at his new gig.

How much will it cost to bring them both? United are hoping £50 million should be enough. Despite the interest in Fellaini, he doesn’t feel, to Arsenal and Chelsea as well, like a player who will do a whole lot of upgrading to a team. He can score and is obviously physically dominant, but he isn’t as technical as some teams, aiming for the highest stages of the champions league, expect from their central midfielders. Everton, obviously, have no interest to sell the player.

In truth, a £50 million allowance doesn’t sound like enough considering the players involved. It also might suggest that Moyes is planning on selling someone – Wayne Rooney perhaps? If both Fabregas and Fellaini are coming over, the initial prediction is for both of them to play in the lineup. Eventually, someone, and Rooney is turning into the most likely candidate, is going to pay the price.

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