Mayweather vs Pacquiao – It Might Still Happen

Mayweather vs Pacquiao – It Might Still Happen

Mayweather vs Pacquiao

As Lloyd Christmas once said, there’s always a chance. The option of a fight between Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather has been on the table for years, but hasn’t materialized for plenty of reasons, most of them having to do with money. Even though the peak interest in the fight has gone and past, there’s always a window to make it happen.

Not right now though: Pacquiao has a rematch lineup against Timothy Bradley on April 12, hoping to avenge his loss via controversial decision from June 2012. Floyd Mayweather still doesn’t have an opponent lineup up (he’s letting the fans choose for him), but he’ll fight someone on May 3. After that? Everything’s open, but chances are it won’t happen.

With Pacquiao hitting the promotional tour for his fight against Bradley, he was asked about the prospect of him fighting Mayweather. He didn’t shoot it down, although there isn’t something really to be made from his answer.

Q: Are you gonna fight Floyd Mayweather at some point?

A: I want that fight but it’s up to him. What I can say now is that our line is open 24 hours, seven days a week. If he will call and say ‘yes’ then the fight will happen.

So why hasn’t it happened so far? Usually, the excuses are attributed to Mayweather. When the option first came up around 2009, it was Mayweather asking for certain types of blood testing to happen before the fight, probably knowing that Pacquiao isn’t going to agree to it. he has made allegations that Pacquiao’s jump through the divisions and weight classes has to do with PEDs (although Mayweather has been skipping through weight classes as well with no one pinning any wrong doing to him).

There was a second round of negotiations two years ago more or less, in which Mayweather allegadly refused to a 50-50 split and offered Pacquiao on the phone $40 million to fight him while Mayweather takes the rest of the money from the gates and PPV cuts. Once again, many assumed Mayweather was making those offers so he wouldn’t have to fight Pacquiao, knowing he’d get turned down.

Maybe at the basis of it all is the usual Top Rank – Golden Boy rivalry, making it impossible for certain fighters to get into the ring with one another. However, when there’s so much money to go around, surely an agreement can be reached, right? Not so far, and it won’t be much of a surprise if this fight, which is past the point of record interest, never happens.

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