NFL Rumors – Miami Dolphins Won’t Stop Buffalo Bills From Signing Charles Clay

NFL Rumors – Miami Dolphins Won’t Stop Buffalo Bills From Signing Charles Clay

Charles Clay

It’s surprising to see that Charles Clay still hasn’t signed with anyone, but it’ll probably be the Buffalo Bills he ends up playing for in the next NFL season, as the Miami Dolphins have given up on their attempts to re-sign him.

Despite adding tight end Jordan Cameron last week, the Dolphins were still trying to come to an agreement with Clay, who has been playing for the Dolphins since he was drafted by them in 2011, turning out to be quite the useful sixth round pick.

The Dolphins did use the transition tag on Clay which meant they had the intention of re-signing him or at least negotiating a long term deal with him, but Clay wants to paid beyond what the Dolphins can give him, and the team made the preemptive measure of signing Cameron, who isn’t as good at run blocking as Clay, but is probably just as good of a catcher.

The thing about Cameron is the concussion issue. He is an injury threat which makes his signing a little bit risky, but the Dolphins, trying to finally do something under the AFC East dictatorship belonging to the New England Patriots, had to make sure they’d be covered in case Clay left.

The Buffalo Bills aren’t quite sure who is going to be their quarterback next season, but they’re trying to fill up the talent positions so it won’t be too difficult of a job for whoever it might be. Clay, while not being the perfect tight end, is an upgrade compared to what they had at the position last season.

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