NFL Rumors – Seattle Seahawks Getting Negotiation Threats From Russell Wilson

NFL Rumors – Seattle Seahawks Getting Negotiation Threats From Russell Wilson

The Seattle Seahawks don’t want to pay Russell Wilson the money he thinks he deserves. It’s as simple as that. From that basis of the negotiation are coming out other things, including attempts by Wilson and his agent to threaten the Seahawks.

How? By saying that Wilson isn’t afraid to play out the fourth year of his rookie deal and make only $1.5 million. Then? Well, it can be free agency, but it’s more likely that the Seahawks try to slap the franchise tag on him, which should be worth somewhere between $21 million and $24 million.

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Image: Source

His agent, Mark Rodgers, is primarily in Baseball, and is known for sending long form letters to teams he’s negotiating with. He also has a history of taking his clients into free agency and testing the open market, but it’s a little bit soon for that.

What did Rodgers write in his letter? Unknown, but there has been a letter, and in short, it probably gives the idea that Wilson isn’t afraid of playing one more year under his current deal before bolting or trying to at least, if the negotiations don’t reach a point satisfactory to the quarterback.

Russell is under contract with the Seahawks. He absolutely would be fine playing his fourth year under the contract he signed coming out and then moving on from there. I don’t feel any particular crunch on time or any real particular deadlines.

Wilson himself has pretty much said the same things.

I’m prepared for that 100 percent if that’s the case (playing the final year of the deal). I want to be here for a long time. I just have to get ready to play. I love the game, and I love being out here with these guys. Ultimately, I just take it one day at a time and see where it takes me.

Wilson sees Cam Newton get a $103.8 million over five years in his deal with the Carolina Panthers and wants that kind of money, maybe more. The Seahawks, right now, aren’t willing to meet his demands.

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