Tag: Lionel Messi

  • Messi and Fabregas Football Clinic (Barcelona vs Osasuna)

    Barcelona took out their frustration from their recent draws, ripping Osasuna 8-0 at the Nou Camp with Lionel Messi scoring a hat trick and Cesc Fabregas showing how happy life is after leaving Arsenal.

  • Barcelona vs Real Madrid Title Race, Week 1

    The Spanish La Liga opened, finally, this weekend. It’s going to be a two horse raise, as usual, between the champions for the last three seasons, Barcelona, and Jose Mourinho’s Real Madrid. Both teams’ opening matches were a festival of goals and weak opposition, also foreshadowing the pichichi firing shot, with Both Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo starting strong.

  • More Lionel Messi and a Touch of Fabregas (Barcelona vs FC Porto)

    The unofficial opener to the season, the European Super Cup, was dominated, and won by – Barcelona (2-0). Who else? The Midas touch continued for Barcelona and Guardiola, mostly thanks to Lionel Messi, who scored the opener (with a lot of luck) and brilliantly set up the second goal, Cesc Fabregas debut goal for the club. Porto weren’t much of an opposition.

  • As if Lionel Messi Needed Another Award

    Hey, when you give out an award for a first time, the UEFA Best Player in Europe award, given to a footballer playing for a football club in Europe that was better than the rest in the previous season, you better get it right. Lionel Messi, to the joy of most of the world, was the right choice.

  • Lionel Messi Above Everyone Else (Barcelona vs Real Madrid)

    With so many stars, the little Argentinian was again the best man on the pitch. Cesc Fabregas might have finally gotten his debut for Barcelona, but it was, like so many nights tend to be at the Nou Camp, like so many Barcelona vs Real Madrid Clasicos, Lionel Messi’s show, his night.

  • Not Much to Gain and Plenty to Lose for Barcelona, Messi and Guardiola

    Lionel Messi and the rest of his Barcelona teammates have won everything these past few years under Josep Guardiola, playing at a level and with quality never seen before (or just not for a very long time). Is this the year they fall, with Real Madrid and Jose Mourinho eagerly waiting for that to happen?

  • Messi, Xavi or Ronaldo to be UEFA Best Player in Europe

    A new award, like we didn’t have enough. With the Ballon D’Or and FIFA Player of the year becoming one, UEFA have come out with their version, UEFA Best Player in Europe award, selected by journalists from all 53 UEFA members. Lionel Messi, Xavi Hernandez and Cristiano Ronaldo finished as the top 3 players on the ballots this season. Who’s first? We’ll know in August, during the Champions League Group Stage draw.

  • Lionel Messi can Finally Relax for a Day

    Lionel Messi finally had a good game, along with Argentina, as Sergio Batista made the right changes after two depressing matches, getting the much needed 3-0 win over Costa Rica.

  • Lionel Messi and Argentina Messing Up

    Lionel Messi is facing a situation and criticism in Argentina and across the world that he’s never seen before.

  • How Not to Start the Copa America

    Lionel Messi and Argentina looked awful last night in La Plata, nearly losing the Copa America opener. Sergio Aguero came off the bench to save a point and keep the media from eating Sergio Batista alive.