Ibrahimovic and Eto’o Moves a Done Deal

Samuel Eto'o Zlatan IbrahimovicImage: Source

After almost a week of speculation and one Samuel Eto’o and who knows how many agents trying to leech their way onto the money from the deal, it’s done. Zlatan Ibrahimovic will join Barcelona for a five year deal, which will pay him 9 million euros a season, not including bonuses for titles.

Samuel Eto’o, who was (or maybe his agent/s were) the main obstacle in the way of completing the deal, agreed on an 11 million euros per season salary and gave up on his demand for a signing fee from Barcelona (???? go figure!) and paved way for the completion of the mega deal, that will see Eto’o come to Inter Milan along with 45 million Euros and Alexander Hleb as a loanee.

Now it remains to see how will this transfer upgrade both teams, if at all. My opinion? Eto’o will be miserable in Italy, and won’t repeat his scoring record from the Spanish League (165 goals in 309 games). Zlatan? He’ll do well in Spain, but I don’t think he’ll score more than Eto’o did for Barcelona. But maybe Guardiola will like him more than he did the Cameroonian. It’ll be interesting next year in Spain.

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