The Biggest Soccer Traitors in Recent History

Cleveland Cavaliers fans are feeling betrayed, no doubt. But they’re not the first or the last who’ll be dumped for a better offer, despite thinking that their star will always be loyal. And just for the record, it doesn’t happen only in America. There’s still a sense of loyalty and not “just business” feeling with European Soccer, but just a small sense. And it certainly wasn’t there when these guys made their decisions.

Ashley Cole – Arsenal to Chelsea

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The England left back grew up at Arsenal and played with the senior team from 1999 to 2006, winning two league titles with the club. Apparantly, two years of watching Chelsea dominate the Premiership (2004-2006) were enough for Mr. Cole, who decided his future and the promise of a much fatter wallet lies somewhere around West London. So what did they boy wonder do? Sign a contract with Chelsea without Arsenal ever being approached in the matter while he was still under contract of course. The Premier League fined Cole, his agent, Jose Mourinho and Peter Kenyon but eventually, Arsenal did sell Cole to Chelsea, earning him a Judas tag at the Emirates.

Would you cheat on her?

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Oh, and he’s not known for his loyalty outside the soccer world as well. Just ask Cheryl Cole.

Sol Campbell – From Tottenham to Arsenal

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You just don’t leave your team for their biggest rivals. Well, you shouldn’t at least. Sol Campbell was playing for Tottenham since the age of 15. Didn’t bother him moving to Arsenal, 12 years and 315 matches for Spurs later. Campbell’s contract ran out after the 2000-2001 season, and although Tottenham offered him a contract that would have made him the highest paid Spurs player ever, he decided, despite making several public assurances he’d stay at White Hart Lane, to take his free agent self to the market.

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He had plenty of offers from big clubs, but he decided to choose Tottenham’s biggest rivals, Arsenal, as his new team. The hatred from Tottenham fans towards Campbell hasn’t subsided nine years later. Every time he arrives with the visiting team you’ll hear plenty of noise and some not-so-nice words and slurs hurled at the player.

Alan Smith – Leeds United to Manchester United

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Same as Sol Campbell – Leeds United were relegated after the 2003-2004 season. The fans would like their Yorkshire born hero to stay of course, but it’s understandable if he leaves, right? Maybe a bit of hard feelings, nothing more. Still, Smith had to go for the biggest rivals Leeds United have and probably the most hated team in England, Manchester United.

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There was the money issue, and Manchester United were the only club who were willing to pay for him up front and not in payments (Everton and Newcastle offers) but Smith was quoted previously, stating he’ll never play for Manchester United.

Roberto Baggio – From Fiorentina to Juventus

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“Little Budha” or “Il Divin Codino” started his career with Vicenza but became known around Italy and later Europe during his five year spell with Fiorentina between 1985-1990. Baggio really became a hit with Viola fans during his last two seasons with the club, earning him a cult status among the supporters. When Juventus purchased him in 1990 for 19 million dollars, a world record transfer fee back then, the Florence streets were flooded with rioters protesting the sale. Baggio however declared he was compelled to accept the transfer by the club. A year later, while playing with Juve against Fiorentina he refused to take a penalty against his former club and later stated that inside he will always be purple. That didn’t stop him from moving to Juve in the first place. And he left to Juve’s rivals, AC Milan, five years later.

Luis Figo – From Barcelona to Real Madrid

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There’s no bigger rivalry than the one between Real Madrid and Barcelona. Luis Figo moving from Barcelona to Real Madrid in the summer of 2000 for the fee of 37 million pounds, the highest transfer fee ever at the time was almost unheard of. Barcelona fans felt betrayed, especially by a player who was a huge fan favorite at the Nou Camp. His most famous visit with Real Madrid came a couple of years later, as a Pigs head was thrown at him by one of the Barcelona fans while he was about to take a corner kick.

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It has been rumored that Figo had signed a contract with Real Madrid while still under contract with Barcelona, and the new contract stating that if Figo won’t be able to convince the Barcelona executives to sell him he’ll be sued by Real Madrid. Similar rumors have surrounded Cristiano Ronaldo during the year before his move to Madrid. And before we leave, this is who he goes to bed with each night.

Had to put a picture of her in
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